K103.3 HD2 Alexa

Listen to K103.3 HD2 while using Alexa

You can listen to K103.3 HD2 on your Amazon smart speaker, including Echo, Echo Dot or Echo Show!

First, you have to enable the K103.3 HD2 Skill.   Here are the steps:

1. Download the Amazon Alexa app on your smart phone.

2. Once downloaded, open the Amazon Alexa app.

3. Go to the Skills section, type K103.3 HD2 and click “ENABLE SKILL”.

4. Now, you’re ready to start listening to K103.3 HD2 on your Amazon Echo just by saying one of the following:


“Alexa, play K One Oh Three Point Three HD2”

“Alexa, start K One Oh Three Point Three HD2”

“Alexa, open K One Oh Three Point Three HD2”

“Alexa, load K One Oh Three Point Three HD2”

“Alexa, run K One Oh Three Point Three HD2”